Men's Health Wrong on Circumcision - Please Write Them!

Apr 20, 2009 08:12

Men's Health magazine recently published a very pro-circ article full of misleading information that needs to be addressed (claiming the US has lower rates of HIV and STDs than noncircumcising Europe and Japan). In response to a reader's letter to the editor, saying something along the lines that just promoting condom usage and not circumcision is like not wearing a seatbelt if you have airbags in your car.

I'm sorry, but condoms prevent transmission of HIV, no matter what kind of penis is underneath them. Airbags do not prevent car crashes.

Please contact them to help set them straight at:
Readers' Service
610-967-8090 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Mon - Fri

We don't remove infant girls' glandular breast tissue to prevent breast cancer, so we shouldn't be cutting off healthy sexual organs on boys to reduce the chance of something they can PREVENT with condom use.

Besides CIRCUMCISION DOES NOT PREVENT HIV! At best, it MAY reduce your chances when having unprotected sex. At worst, it gives men a false sense of security, thinking if they're circumcised, they're safe. That's like playing Russian Roulette with only one bullet instead of two.

Also, circumcised men are LESS likely to use condoms due to desensitization, and it is MORE likely for the condom to fail (break).

Just ask yourself, if studies showed that circumcising women (removing the clitoral hood and labia minor) would reduce the risk of HIV, would you support *that*? The foreskin is made of similar tissue and serves a similar function... actually, the foreskin does more than its female equivalent. Don't let such a large publication influence its wide readership and ignorantly encourage this barbaric practice!

Please send a message to and voice your opposition to circumcision along with any relevant medical and ethical arguments you feel inspired to share.

Thank you!
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