Oct 20, 2005 23:28
I forgot to say earlier that my uncle is NOT moving in with us after all. Thank god, beceause it was starting to cause family strife. My fundamentalist Christian aunt was insisting on coming up to visit us for Thanksgiving if Uncle Jack moved in. Well, let's do some math here:
Blackmon Household: 4 adults, 1 teenager, 2 dogs.
Uncle Jack Entourage: 2 adults, 3 dogs.
Fundie Auntie's Crusade of Characters: 2 adults...but large enough to be 4.
Total: 8 (10) adults, 1 teenager, 5 dogs. All under the same roof for Thanksgiving.
I'm glad that none of this is happening, though. It would have made for a GREAT movie or Seinfeld episode, but I don't want to experience it. First off, I wouldn't have had anywhere to sleep besides the couch. Second, none of these people would have helped out with the costs of making so much food. Third, there wouldn't be any leftovers. And what's Thanksgiving without leftovers?! I'm totally packing a goodie sack full of food to bring back with me to FL. :-) Also, we don't know if the dogs would get along.
Plus, FundieAunt and I haven't seen each other in 10 years...and hopefully it'll be 10 more years before we ever cross paths. With her spouting all of her Christian "goodness" and the high tensions that would already be running throughout the house, I would have been better off in a hotel.