Stephen Colbert is the best thing ever!! :D

Dec 07, 2009 17:20

It's way past time for a new update. Especially since my last entry is that horrible one about the crashing hard drive... >_< And I think I need a new layout. White on black is driving me crazy...

I have a small update on that one, in case anyone wondered. I'm pretty much over the shock and the loss, especially because I managed to get back some of the stuff that I lost. See, I had transferred everything from my D: drive to the external one, but had never put anything over the top of it. So, I ran a file recovery program and managed to get back some of my artwork, and about 80% of my photos. A lot of the music that I lost I was able to pull off my old iPod nano. Not through iTunes obviously. ^^

So I'm reasonably happy with that. Still need to buy a new backup disk though. >_>;;

Now here's what I really wanted to tell you. Some of you may know that I tend to drift from fandom to fandom after a while. Well, my new love is Stephen Colbert of The Colbert Report. Not the character he portrays on the show, I hate that guy with a passion, but the man underneath it all who's really very intelligent, reasonable and kind. And funny. Let's not forget that. Even though I can't stand his character on the show (because he pretty much embodies everything I hate in people), I can't help but laugh at the guy acting like an idiot. But only because I know he's not really like that. Like a meta-perspective. It's complicated. ^^

He's awesome. He sends his fans, the so-called Colbert Nation, on missions of mischief, such as rigging naming contests so that he can win, and they do so gleefully. But he also uses those powers for good, like recently he's supporting the US Speedskating team, and called on his fans to donate money to fill in their $300,000 deficit, due to a lost sponsor (DSB Bank that went under). In just over a week, they came up with $200,000! Second week, they were up to $250,000 and I believe by now the full $300,000 has been met.

Now that's the kind of fans that I want to be associated with.

(Though I have to admit, I didn't donate anything myself - even though I wholeheartedly support the effort, the US team *are* rivals to my country! Yes, unbelievable but true, every now and then I am a little patriotic... *shock*)
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