Aug 09, 2003 06:04
I'm so tired. I feel young and old at the same time. Summer is almost through for yet another year, and change keeps coming, keeps coming. My body is happy for its short term inactivity. Mainly been reading and loafing for the past few weeks. I'm reading Cat's Cradle, but the subject matter is a bit depressing to my current state of mind. I think about possible nuclear devastation enough that I'm not sure a satire on the topic is what i should be delving into. Tend to upset easily anyway. Been having these crazy weird dreams lately, thought not so much dreams as nightmares. All about completely far out situations that have never occured. Last night, i was pregnant and alone (my parents were there, but there was no man present), totally petrified, and hysterical. I just kept crying pathetically, like I'd just found out i was pregnant 10 mins previous or something ridiculous. Problem is, these dreams disturb me so much, I end up huddling in my room with books trying to shake off the nightmare hangover. Maybe a trip to grammy's will clear my mind...