What a shitty night.

Jul 26, 2003 20:07

Wow. I can't fucking believe it. My weekend was set up to go so perfectly, but it all came tumbling the fuck down.

Ok, picture this. The rents are going out camping for the weekend, I'm not going because of my surgery. Cool, I get the house to myself for the weekend. Right-o. I call some friends over, play some XBox and Counter-Strike, have a good time, eat pizza and cookies, having a blast.

Enter day 2.
Wake up. Find out that either a) my whole mouth is one giant mutherfucking bruise, or b) because of not being able to brush my back teeth properly (wisdome tooth surgery and all), I may have giant motherfucking cavities that hurt like total shit, 24/7. Ok, this would all be find, except I CANT FIND MY FUCKING PAINKILLERS. So, there I am, hurting like shit, so I decide to take my mind off of it with a couple good rounds of CS. Wow, suddenly, every goddamn server is filled with AWP Whores. On every map, I couldn't go 30 seconds with out some camping newbler fucktard who thinks his 10/30 record is so good fucking eviscerating me with the goddamn AWP. Alright, CS did nothing to alleviate things.
Mike (who was sleeping over) wakes up, comes in, we start LAN CSing. That was a blast, because win or lose, we always joke about it and have a good time, and when we use AWP's, we mainly end up pistoling eachother down anyways. That was fun :).

So, I get invited to a party at Shane's. Wicked, fun tonight! Only, my sister gets home from camping. And, naturally, she wants her fucking computer. So, I turn off the 'net, and me and Mike CS on LAN for a while. I ask her if she can take care of the dog tonight, as I'd be at a party (it was an all-nighter). Well, of course fucking not! She starts bitching about how she want's to go to her friends, and see a movie, not even giving a shit that I havn't been able to get out for the past goddamn week, while she's been out at camp. Wow. So, we call the rents (who are camping), and she has a change of heard, and decides she won't go see the movie so I can go to the party. Wicked, so I can go. Never let it be said that she never did anything for me, because that's one thing.

Only, then, my parents say "No, you can't go". Because they're out camping, and they don't know the people. Only, they do, they were the same people who drove me up to NB and took me and Tim camping. And, I apparently have to take care of my dog and my sister. Wow, shitty. Pisses me right the fuck off.

So, then, Mike goes home. Partyless and bored, I try to play some Furcadia. Only, the fucking server keeps kicking me the fuck off. Alright. Fine, I can take a hint, the server doesn't want me on.

So, then, my sister walks in the room, and says she's having a sleepover with her friend Emma. Now, I don't know if you know what it's like, but on her own she can be annoying.. with a friend, they are so fucking aggrivating, I can't even believe it. They're loud, obnoxious, rude, they always hang around and insult me (the insults I don't give a fuck about, but their high-pitched laughs piss the fuck right outta me). My parents insist their not like that, but they FUCKING ARE, no matter HOW MUCH they try to deny it. Plus, they always wake up early and start playing shitty music. But, that won't be a problem, because I'm d/cing all the speakers before I got to sleep.

So, then my parents call. We have some chatting, and I find out THEY MISUNDERSTOOD ME WHEN I SAID WHO WAS THROWING THE PARTY. I COULD HAVE FUCKING GONE. But, thanks to a shitty cell phone area, I FUCKING COULDN'T. I'd still go, only, no I don't have a fucking ride there! The Irony!

So, now here I sid, lonely, bored, pissed off. In consolation, I'm getting payed for babysitting tonight. Yey :D.

Ooh, lookit that, my sister just walked in and started insulting my music, which my family claims she DOESN'T do. Fuck that shit.

I'm out.

Ever proud to be Canadian,
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