ArachnophobiaThomisidae - Crab spider
Patient and compassionate
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Which stereotype do you fall under?You're You
Congratulations! You're not a stereotype. You're your own person and refuse to follow in others' footsteps.
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Which cookie are you most like?Fortune Cookie
You're a very mysterious person, and hold your deepest thoughts inside. Similarly, this cookie holds its fortune insid of it, and has to be cracked open before it's read.
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Which `oh so very emo` poem are you?!?The poet
Your so angry arn't you! You write such amazing poems and post them in your journals out of the kindness of your own heart, for us to read....I priase you. You should become a full time poet with poems such sad & fantastic as the following!
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How Are You Going To Die?Plane Crash
KAPPOW! Big fiery explosion. Good stuff. Good times.
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umm..lookin for jobs is always a good idea...peace