Jul 05, 2005 11:48
the 3rd and the 4th of july have been fucking sweet. i was up for 40 staight hours. not too bad.
on the 3rd i saw the new batman movie. its fuckin titties. everyone and anyone should see it. i picked up barry to go to the fireworks, but they got cancelled. who thought that would be good. we headed over to lindseys and met up with her, larson, steve j., jess z., billy, and nick. they asked us to go out to billys house and party. we were like oh hells yeah and i was surprised barrys dad let him stay out. we went out there and i dropped my moms car off and then i went to billys. we were kinda short on shit because i guess steve's brothers a faggot and is way too fuckin lazy. ah well, we had some beer, enough to make barry puke after he did 9 beer bongs. some neighbors came over and they were tellin us some shit when they were in high school. there cool guys. i loved how barry looked when he was in the bathtub..priceless.
on the 4th was the fireworks. YAY!. i went out there with benny stew and sara. i kinda got lost from them but found a group of gwinn people so i was like fuck it and stayed there. i saw spratz and im goin to his camp today. ooo and laura lea! shes mine, fuck all y'all. the fireworks were alright, nothin too over the top. then we went to walmart and saw bryan and then taco bell...that was horrible. it too way too long and my fucking burrito wasnt even grilled. fuck it. then i came home and finally sleeped.