I have a daughter who is 8, I gave birth to her, but if I had adopted her I'd love her just the same. There would be no way anyone could take her from me. Yes, I'd kill anyone who would try to take my kids. I feel that the biological parents of this child screwed up big time when they let her go at a month old. NOw she is almost 8 and they want to take her away from the only family she has ever known. This little girl is not going to be okay with this, this little girl is going to be forced to live with complete strangers, she'll need years and years of therapy and probably run away from her biological family or leave them when she is 18 and go back to the family that raised her. I know the biological family is hurting, but they have two children of their own now. They should move somewhere close by where they can visit their daughter, but taking her away from the only family she has known is just a horrible and selfish thing to do. This little girl has grown up with grandmas, grandpas, cousins, aunts, uncles, brothers, sisters, has friends, activities she loves. These people want to take her away from all of that. She could end up with severe depression and eventually not functioning normally. What idiot judge, what stupid court system would say it is okay to take this child away from her only family? I have a biological father that I don't care to live with. I knew about him as a child, but I grew up with a mom and dad and I loved them as such. My biological father wanted me, but I didn't want him, so I was never forced to live with him. At least this little girl will be 12 in 4 years, when my friends were 12 they got to decide in a court of law which parent they wanted to be with. I'm hoping this child will have a chance to make her own decision. I pray that the childs welfare is taken into consideration, not the selfish biological parents that want their kid back.
Giving birth doesn't make you parent.
Loving that child and raising that child makes you a parent. Being there everyday, up at night when they have fevers. Kissing their boo boo's when they are hurt. Holding their hands the first day of school. Taking them to activities, being there every step of the way makes you a parent. Don't abuse the words MOM and DAD, they are precious strong words that should not be used lightly.
This news article angers me. Situations like this makes people scared to adopt, makes people scared to get to close to thier adopted children. Makes people fear that the child will be taken from them. The laws need to be changed to protect the parents that adopt these children. The laws need to protect the children, not the FEELINGS of the biological parents.
I'll pray for this child, I hope the rest of you do to.