(no subject)

May 15, 2011 16:30

heya all, long time listener first time caller.

Getting back into a weight routine I let go to waste a year back, person who developed it said it'd work for cutting or bulking, depending upon caloric intake. I haven't decided which way I want to go first, I could use both to get back to my fightin' weight. I figure I'll see where my diet and activity take me in the first few weeks and wing it from there.

He also said to consume 30-40 grams of protein every 2.5 to 3 hours daily, regardless of whether cutting or bulking. Now, I'm sort of shakey on this. I'm not well schooled on the nutrition aspect of weight training, outside of the usual 'lean proteins, green veggies, don't gorge yourself, 6-8 meals a day'.

I can easily supplement the meals lacking in protein with whey, but we're talking 4-6 servings of the stuff a day on top of what I eat daily, depending upon whether its a work out day or a rest day. At 140-something calories a pop that adds up.

I guess it all boils down to whether I want to lose weight or gain it. As it stands I want to drop the 30 pounds I gained in the last year (oh beer, how you've betrayed me) but ultimatly I plan to put on muscle as well. Since I'm on the fence as to which direction to start heading first I figured I'd see where my current intake would take me once I started hitting the weights.

I guess my two concerns are 1) should I jump straight into the protein intake thats advised? Or start smaller and adjust accordingly? And 2) Whats recommended first? Cutting or bulking?
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