May 05, 2006 04:00
It started 5 months ago from monday... A proud soul, confident in himself and where the world would take him started down the trail of a losing battle, a defeat he couldn't see coming... The striking blow felt throughout his soul and reverberating through the ripples of time, delivered just after sun rise on the second day past the 5th month... The once man now sat weaping in his room unable to fathom why he had been chosen for such anguish... standing climatically the now weaping boy-child searches the house for methods of death... none come to him... finally he decides upon tylenol but there are only 20... gathering a glass of water a good book and this message to the world of his possible departure... The boy-child lays his head down on the pillow shortly after swallowing every pill he could find, the dull beeping of his cell phone beeped in the background... the world faded into blackness... not knowing wether he will wake up a few hours later with a headache or succeed where he has only failed time and time again he thought to himself "maybe I should have looked more closely at my horoscope today, it spoke of this, but how did it end..." the world slipped into blackness and the boy-child lay still...
Aquarius May 3, 2006
Isn't it about time you forgave yourself? What happened is in the past, and it's time you learned what you can from it and then leave it behind. You'll be able to approach your life with a much lighter heart.
Cancer and Aquarius: Lone-wolf Aquarius deals too many bruises to Cancer's vulnerable ego. Cancer is more demonstrative and steadfast that adventurous Aquarius, who is always ready to heed siren calls. Cancer's needs may go unsatisfied, as aquairus tends to absent itself from emotional demands. They may get along in the bedroom for a time, but the partnership will break down in the living room...
Cancer and Gemini: Cancer's basic insecurity will be aggrivated by fickle, flirtatious, fun-loving Gemini. Gemini's unguilded sexual energies present problems to Cancer, causing frustration and difficulties. Cacer will become quite jealous and will try to restrict Gemini's activities, and that only makes Gemini resentful. A highly emotional affair and a longer relationship that will flounder over basic difference in temperments...
Cancer and Cancer: They are really too much alike to be happy. There is an abundance of sensitivity on both sides with resulting emotional problems. Both try to lead in sexual encounters and that provokes frequent critism and argument. Physically, though, they are attractive to each other, and an initial relationship may be quite sensual. A marriage will require more sympathy and mutual understanding to survive...
The boy-child woke again the next morning, still reeling from the ordeal he put his body through the night before head pounding with the ache of a supernatural headache. He searches the house for pain killers but focuses in on one thought... Karma was playing its role in this failure, there was no medication left in the house capable of helping him. The mornings events still fresh in his mind stung with a vengeance... To the boy-child there was only one thing he need do... He would no longer love the devil that snared his heart... He would start anew, He would rise this morning from his bed not his grave and he shall set forth into the daylight to find a companion worthy of his love. The once again proud soul triumphantly picked up his head from where it had lay weaping just moments before and looked heavenly; "The lessons you wrought are filled with pain, but I was not born under this sun to die by my own hand, for death did not take me last night. I carry the weight of your burdens heavily upon my back. I will pick the pieces of my shattered soul from the heart of the beast that destroyed it. I will carry forth the deeds signed in blood, but heed you this. I wish not to live any longer than I have to, so stay on your toes, for Persistance is the Key."