The Great Purge

Jan 24, 2010 14:09

While Ivan did the roomba dance downstairs, I was able to get some necessary envelope addressing done. For that bit of found time, and the resulting fur-free floor, Ivan has already paid himself off in my books.


I like silence. I like silence that I can fill with the clickity-clacking of keys and the occasional itunes playlist. Silence recharges me and helps me feel motivated. Whether that's because eventually I get restless with the quiet blanketing the apartment, or just because I can hear myself think, it ends up leading to productivity in some regard.

Geecat has been off working a convention, and while I miss him it turns out that I don't miss the din of clashing swords and tinny voices from speakers spilling out of the office after all. Since my desktop is in the office and I am easily distracted, I don't write or even think about writing when the World of Warcraft descends upon the house. It's not his fault that I don't write during these times-- it's his home too and it's his hobby, and both of these things leave him perfectly entitled to this form of fun.

I've taken to staking out the bedroom as my territory to get away from it though, and the downside is that while I am warm and cozy and snuggly in the bed with my laptop, it's hardly productive. Also, I don't write on my laptop most of the time, largely because the keyboard hurts my wrists after a while and the screen isn't as large as the one on my desktop.

It's a challenge that I am working on trying to address constructively, because I really want to write but I also really want to be able to share space with the person who is going to be my husband in the near future.

And speaking of writing, my ambitious time table basically fell down behind the refrigerator when work started again. I had a dream a couple of nights ago that I quit my job, which puzzled me upon waking because I like both my job and having spending money on top of clearing the bills. I think it's wish fulfillment though, because after work I don't feel creative and I don't feel like taking on the things that I want to do/ need to get done. The house festers throughout the week (which makes me anxious and which I find distracting) and then when the weekend comes I need to clean to feel like I can clear my head for writing time, but by the time I'm done cleaning there's little energy (or time) left to do so.

Again, this is a challenge that I need to address constructively, because I don't want to just make excuses for not doing this thing that I want to do.

So anyways, the writer's conference looms and I have a speed dating session with some agents. What's an aspiring writer to do?

She goes back about six years and digs out the manuscript she started for a little piece called Nine Circles. She dusts it off, eyes it critically, and begins to make some crucial edits and necessary changes. She doesn't get too down on herself because none of the speed-dating agents to whom she might be pitching have listed an interest in the genre of her current piece, but one or two have listed an interest in dark and urban fantasy. Since Nine Circles covers this niche quite well, it's a good compromise. Three polished chapters, and possibly a query. Is this more realistic? Hopefully.
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