
Jul 16, 2006 01:43

So ehm...hey *waves* Remember me?? Yeah bet you don't *coughs*
Anyway...been soooo busy. I'm working in a flower store Mondays and Fridays. It's okay....kinda boring but nice.
BUT...IM DOING THEATER AGAIN!!! (_(_) (_)_) (_(_) (_)_) (_(_) (_)_) (_(_) (_)_) 
It's this festival they have for disabled and handicapped children every year. They have the kids staying there as a sort of a holiday where they do a whole lotta nice things with them. And we do playback shows every Thursday and Saturday. It's so much fun and since it's this vacation sorta area, it's all really relaxed and everyone is happy. So the mood is always great.
Here're a couple of photos I've made with my phone so the quality is poor but anyway....

So here's Sidsel...this is from the Country week. We do different themes every week. Country - Fairytales and HipHop.

This is Karina ready to do some Country as well :)

And yours truely - lemme tell you feathers? Not so nice when it's 95 degrees outside *snort*

This is the stage....

And where the audience is seated....no these ppl are just relaxing. It's a bit more crowded when we're on *LOL*

This is Stephanie. We're a total of 6 actors. This is from this week where we did Fairytales. If you can't guess she's a puppet.

And me again....I was a Icequeen thingy...kinda. This was actually taken tonight.

So I hope you're all doing well. I havent had time what so ever to check out LJ so I donno crap about what you're all up to. If theres something wild going on, please lemme know!!!

Big hugs and summer kisses!!!
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