After several days in New Mexico, the car had lost its slightly musty Minnesota dampness smell and re-acquired the so familiar slightly sweet smell of UV light decaying plastic dashboard. So much sunshine. One forgets that sunburns are not just reserved for the months of June and July.
The glowing warmth of yellow cottonwoods, yellow chamisa, yellow plains, red earth, and the companionship of the Petries, the Mehlhaffs, Vail, and Walt still fills me. And to see Renee for the first time. What a joy, and so beautiful she is.
Tractor Crossing Sign Outside of Salida
I spent a lot of time daydreaming about moving back. How about an apple orchard in the Espanola valley? Or maybe GP and I could start a vinyard in the bosque around Socorro.
On our return, there were mountains of yellow corn rising in southwestern Minnesota. Air dusty from combine detritis, sunset cool orange. Winter has laid a claim to the landscape early, with the first garden withering snow on the 6th.
International Truck outside of Gordon, NE