(no subject)

Feb 24, 2005 11:40

I am making a movie, I need all kinds of stuff, mostly my priciple actors. Alysia Michelle James has written an extremely brilliant script for a short film (by short I mean at least 30 minutes), and will also be doing the scoring for the music. I need 5 principle actors, 2 males, 3 females. (no this is not a prono). Everyone may inquire for the parts, only the best will be accepted. Just think of it like this "who would I want to act if I were making a movie". I really really need a lighting crew - if anyone has the gusto, balls, talent, expertise, passion or just plain Mcguiver-ness to be a lightin person, please contact me. I want this movie done right. I can get all the coolest most dramatic, most cutting edge, most interesting award winnging shots for this flick (and I will) but its the actors who make or break the movie. If the actors are not dramatic, cutting edge, interesting, cool to look at, if they do not have charisma, if they do not instigate chemistry with other actors, if they do not react to people and things and lines, then we have nothing. We don't want nothing, we want the coolest movie ever.
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