Jan 13, 2004 06:36
I finially managed to get off of galaxies again long enough to make an entry, woohoo. Well, I took Sarah to her landlord to see what the deal is with the contract regarding the illegal informing of a tenants financial status, turns out the most senior person at the Python reckons that there is nothing in the contract that says "we will tell your parents if you fail to pay rent" Sarah's mother has been through enough this last month without some law breaking student landlord mailing rent demands to those it doesn't concern. Although I officially went with Sarah for moral support, I actually assessed the situation to determine what ground of legal action are possible, I have recommended follwing up both breach of contract as mental anguish as an OFFICIAL LAW SUIT. In addition I intend to use my limited contacts within the students union to ruin Python's reputation (such that it is) and I also have a few extra plans in store for Python Properties despite my not being a tenant with them. I knew from the start that Kexgill were the way forward and now, this breach of contract and a law proves it.
The people at Python backed their breach of financial confidentiality by saying that it's in their policy to inform parents and such and that the policy is set by the partners. Even with my incredibly basic legal knowledge I know that any breach of financial confidentiality is ILLEGAL without PRIOR INFORMED CONSENT of those named in the contract. I know over ten people in residency with Python and none of those were informed of this, only four of those will be staying with Python and that's only because their mummies and daddies pay their rent and won't know independence until they are nearly half way into their 20's.
All of Sarah's problems aside, I am good. I was informed of a piece of coursework I didn't know about yesterday and although daunting sussed most of it out within an hour. I played a load of galaxies and I am very nearly a commando, still got to kill a load of stuff. Got exams and stuff coming but I should be ready enough. Really, outside of Sarah's troubles I have nothing on my mind bar my exams and the commercial demise of Python. I would like them to die by my hand as I have never defeated a major company before, it would be a great strike for me to kill the Teesside branch of the so called "best sutdent landlord in britain" hehe.