Yes I am having a right old moan. IT IS NOT FAIR!!!!!!!
At this moment I should be in the Courtyard theatre Watching Mr Tennant in Hamlet, after watching him this afternoon in Love Labour Lost all this as a treat to myself for my up coming 30th birthday, but NO the bloody car has to go and brake down and cost me £150 to fix. This was my ticket money, so I had to cancel going, FOR THE SECOND TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!! The first time my little girl got ill so I couldn't leave her alone with a sitter.
I think someone up there really does HATE ME! I am just not allowed to do anything for my self and enjoy it. ARRGGHH!!! All I wanted to do was for once go the theatre on my own, without someone sat next to me moaning that they hate this kinda thing. Enjoying the feel of it all, and taking the chance to see such a wonderful actor (with a very nice arse) performing, BUT NO!!!! And to top it all off as a mature student I don't have alot of money so i asked my mum to help me have a 30th party and she said yes only today to turn around, after everything else that has happened, to say she doesn't think they have the time now. I HATE MY LIFE!!!!!.