One of the things I try to do before an election is get a "sneak peek," at least two weeks out, of every candidate and every issue on my ballot. Then I can spend my Internet time obsessing on who, and what, to vote for.* It's called informed voting, and the Founding Fathers wrote that it was the surest safeguard of freedom.
I've been a bit frustrated, this year, because the local rag isn't planning to print their wrap-up until a week before Election Day. That would cut my research time in half. Then, mousing around the IAVA web site, I found this: Put your zip code in the "My Races" field and press "Go." Click on "SEE ALL MY CANDIDATES & RACES." You'll get every Federal and State candidate on your ballot, and every State ballot initiative, complete with hyperlinks to their web sites.
I'm still looking for the Local information, but this is a definite help.
Edited to add: Doh! I forgot all about looking up the complete ballot on ! Sorry, non-Michiganders, but that only works in Michigan.
* This is a bit more complicated for me, because I eschew the insistence that I must either vote for the Demmican or Republicrat. The Founding Fathers' accumulated writings only mention political Parties, as we have them, as Bad Things which Should Be Avoided. My own observations, both in ~35 years of political awareness and readings of American History, agree with the judgment. Thus, I vote for the Person, not the Party -- and am perfectly willing to vote for the best candidate, even if he or she doesn't have a "big two" party behind him/her.