All I want For Christmas

Dec 18, 2009 08:02

A new set of Paula Deen cookware ya'all! Not really, but yes I do want a set of her cookware.

What I really want is for my family to actually all get along and for my pop's to be home this year. *sighs* Ellii is going to her sister's on Christmas day, and coming home New Years Day, and while I want her to go, I am going to miss having her around.. I want her to have an amazing visit and spend time with her big sister, and do all that sister stuff she misses out on because we live so far apart.

This year is just going to be different, we all know it, and none of us are having an easy time of it. The last few years mom hasn't been able to come home, she was supposed to last year and we all know how that turned out. I feel like our glue is gone, that my sister and I have to be the glue now, and we aren't doing such a great job of it. We are both having a hard time adjusting. Our birthdays are so close to Christmas it's a double whammy.

The realization that I won't ever get another birthday card from her, or hear I love you again just hit me in the face last Sunday, and it hit hard.. I had a great day don't get me wrong, it just hit me where I live as I was sitting in my kitchen and looking at all the cookies and candies I have been making. And I thought to myself "Overcompensate much kiddo?" We always did cookie weekend when mom lived here in Wisconsin, and Jules and I try to keep up the tradition when mom hasn't been able to be here. this year though, yeah it was fun and all, but mom shoulda been drinking Brandy Alexanders with us and making fun of Julie girls cooking skills. Which have come a very long way since she got married and I gave her, her first cookbook! She can out cook me in some ways, and that friends and neighbors is saying something.

I just don't feel all that much in the spirit of things. There has been too much that has gone on this year.

Maybe by next week I will feel better- Finals will be done and I will be able to relax more.

Merry Christmas and Merry Solstice and all that jazz~
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