I Am Completely Disgusted~

Aug 12, 2009 13:17

So this is my country on Democrats huh? Nancy Pelosi calls those of us who question health care reform Un-American? Steny Hoyer does too? Calls a grass roots effort to halt the rush to that reform astro-turf? What the fuck? But all during the Bush administration Swatiskas are plastered all over the place and it's all good? (Not to mention all the hate speech from the looney left that went on. George Soros anyone?) I seriously want to vomit everytime I turn on network news..

Claire McCaskill threatens to use her mother's voice and doesn't understand why so many are so upset? When so many have admitted to not reading the draft version's of the bills in the Senate and Congress that are under consideration, I have to repeat (Again) WHAT THE FUCK? Arlen Specter (Did I spell his name correctly?)is rude to a gentleman and let's others get away with pusing people during a meeting? Once more with feeling friends n' neighbors.. WHAT THE FUCK!

Where is the transparency? Where is the hope, the change that we were promised? Because I sure as hell haven't seen it yet! And please do not say to me it takes time, I know it takes time! I get, I grok it, fully-

But really, let's be honest here. It's time for Congress and the Senate to stop blaming W.. Let's not forget who has been in charge for the last two years. That's right, I remember all the noise about W. being a lame duck, and the Democrats crowing quite loudly about who was in charge. Do all of you?

I am terribly afraid for my country- I have to echo what a woman said during a meeting yesterday, George Washington and the framer's of our Constituion must be rolling over in their graves~

I worry that my children, and their children may wake up in a country that is not the one I grew up in. Say what you will about Sarah Palin, but I think on this subject she is on the money. Will I have to worry that my son Joshua won't get the care he needs because some panel decides he is not worthy of it? Would my mother have received the care she did if some panel had been choosing her care and not her family? It truly terrifies me, I have read both the Senate version of the bill of two versions of the House bill. It is very scary stuff indeed. It would behoove every citizen of this country to do so. In the great rush to pass much needed reform in health care, are we in such a hurry that we are forgetting that we should care enough to read it, and mull it over before we pass it? Are we in such a rush that we should not force the people who purportedly work for us to read it and mull it over before they vote on it? IF we are going to pass this reform should we not require all citizens in this country including those who purportedly work for us to have this same health care?

Read it, think about it. Then decide and call your Senators and Congressmen and women, make them hear your voices! It is the right thing to do! I bless my family every day for having a medical background, it has made me very aware of what is going in this country regarding this issue..
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