Wow, look! I didn't wait a year this time! :)

Feb 16, 2013 18:38 was only four months! :)

My main purpose in writing today is for ideas, or suggestions or whatever. As I mentioned in my last post, I'm doing the chainmaille jewelry, and I'm about ready now to put up my own website and start selling online (I've been selling in person at work and among friends and aquaintances for a while now), but before I can put up the website and make up business cards and etc, I need to settle on a good name. I asked a few people in the past, and the best we could come up with is "Mur's Maille", which is ok, and I've been using that on the two or three print catalogs Ray made up for me, but I always found it kind of lame compared to other names I've seen out there. Granted it's more descriptive and catchy than a lot of *others* I've seen, (things like "J&M Jewelry" or something totally un-descriptive like that - I totally made that one up, by the way, so if it exists I didn't slam their name on purpose) but I'm looking for something cooler and catchier, more of a play on words or a phrase, along the lines of these cool (to me) ones that already exist out there:

The Ring Lord
Chained Beauty
Rapt in Maille
Slightly Wired
The Chained
Tangled Metal
Got Maille

Any suggestions would be appreciated, as well as any comments on my two existing name candidates:

Mur's Maille
Insane Chain (or Insane Chains)

I'm looking for something catchy but not too hokey or predictable...ya know? :)

Ray's mom had a jewelry party for me at the end of January (think tupperware party, but for my jewelry instead) and I sold a LOT more than I anticipated there, which made me very happy. :) I've almost finished with the orders that came from that party now, only two bracelets and two necklaces to go, one of which required that I start making my own rings, because after much hunting I had to conclude that NOBODY was selling the rings I needed in the size or color I needed them for this particular necklace! So I have a set of 83 mandrels and a jeweler's saw and some spools of wire, (mostly courtesy of birthday pressies from my dragon), which will allow me to branch out even more! Yay! :) I'm trying to get those finished as well as the two orders from girls at work, so I can go back to working on increasing my existing stock with an eye toward doing a pagan festival or two when it gets closer to Samhain or Christmas, as well as trying out some new designs for slave bracelets and more exotic pieces. That and I'm dying to make a dragon or two! :) Not that I can really complain, the only reason I DON'T have more stock is that while I've been trying to increase my stock since the last time I posted, I keep selling too much to build up any! :)

Other than that it's been business as usual... working, sleeping, making jewelry. :) I did get my internet in the house finally, back in December, and I totally got busy with too many things and knew I was only going to be laid off for a month, (we went back on December 2nd) so I didn't even START NaNoWriMo in November, much less successfully finish Work is still going well, strawberry season is about to officially start (we've done about a week's worth here and there so far, early orders, but that's it.) That's about all there is to mention, I think, other than the Arlo Guthrie concert back on the first of this month that was beyond cool, but I'll post about that separately. :)
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