.... then I drink some alcohol and forget about these problems...
Anyway this week has been pretty much a week of hell, what with the crazy ass weather out there (for those of you not in the know lake county has received record snow falls this year, we passed our budget for salt and they ran out during one of the largest dumps of snow in the last few years, and they are still calling for more this upcoming week) and the amount of money that has had to jump non-magicaly out of
jedimeg16 and my bank account has made it stressful to say the least.
Now as to why Megan and I had to spend lots of money that we didn't want to but damn well had to comes in two parts. Which I will be putting behind a cut as there's a lot that happened with this.
The first part happened on super bowl Sunday (that was last Sunday) when Megan was on her way to work, I got a call on my phone with her very up set that she had a flat tire, now part of my brain was thinking it would be like a 50 cent to a one dollar fix by putting some air in her tire, which would have been nice, when I got the call I left to go and help her with it, being the good husband and all, when I got to the near by gas station to help her put air in her tire (she had no money to do so as they all freaking require money now a days) I saw that the tire was really super low, not the kind of low where the out side temperature changes the air pressure in tires low. That and the air machine was broken too, which made matters difficult. So I had her take her car over to the local Lube-Pro's where they do things like this for free, after getting some air in her tire we (meaning me and the guys at Lube-Pro's) found there to be a chunk of metal in her tire. This chunk of metal wound up being long enough that we needed a whole new tire, which cost around 100 dollars to fix the tire.
The second part on the other hand happened after this little fix of a flat tire, the day after I had gotten antibiotics for my sinus infection I was on my way to the not so local Walgreens for work, during the worst snow storm lake county had seen in a few years, the problem thankfully was not with my tires but with my brakes, which decided to stop working right before a stop light (which I blew through, thankfully again the roads were bad enough not many people were in this intersection) and through a stop sign (again blew through, again no people on the roads) I had begun at this point to think that I just had a lot of ice on my tires and my brake pads, and after hitting two curbs that I couldn't avoid easily (saved from the ditches by mounds of snow oddly enough) I figured I had a problem. So after my day of work I tested my brakes again to see if they were still acting up as I thought, which was quickly proven wrong, after a few phone calls I then spent the night at my mothers, thanks in part to my sister for giving me a lift to my mothers house for the night. The next day I had my truck promptly towed to my mechanic, a guy I have trusted for many years in part because my father trusted him which says a damn lot in my book, after an hour or so of waiting (they were busy after all) I got to see the problem with my truck, which was my brake lines, emphasis on the plural LINES, as in all of them.
For those of you who don't know much about cars, the brake lines in a car send fluid to the brakes themselves allowing the brakes to actually work, and all of my brake lines in my truck had basically rotted, rusted, corroded, or fallen apart. In total I had a 500 dollar repair job on my truck, which my mechanic (who does a damn good job) got done before I got back to my mothers after another day of working at my not so local Walgreens.
I can now say that I have never been happier in my life to say that I enjoy the feeling of being able to break, as I am really glad that my brake lines did not go out on me in the middle of summer or on a much busier day.
I also have a
Walgreens Gem/Humor to add into my collection.
This tale ended very quickly as it started with a phone call and ended before I could get it to the pharmacist, the guy on the other line was asking about a breathing medication, an inhaler to be precise which many people use for breathing problems of many different kinds, but it was the guys question that caught me off guard.
"Can I drink beer with my inhaler?" which of course I had to have the pharmacist answer, but after I put him on hold, we lost his call though after a slew of phone calls, or he just hung up because he waned to drink his beer.
But there was so much I wanted to say, which would have been the non-professional thing to do, but the smart ass in me wanted to say something along the lines of "Hopefully not at the same time, that would be quite difficult!" thankfully though I know better than to let the smart ass in me do the talking for me all the time.... well most of it any way.
well thats all for now, I am just waiting for Megan to make it back home safe and sound from work tonight, which means I say up late waiting for her to get home.