...I am such a weiner. Why do I love this so much. Thay aren't even that good.
Well, anyway. Today I took more pictures (223 more, to be exact) and again I have selected a few of my favourites, done some editing, and now present them to you to tell me how much of a loser I am and to stop wasting my photobucket bandwidth on this.
Yeah, well, screw you. I can use my photobucket bandwidth however i want!
Here goes.
Maddie was picking up our litter, which was very cool of her. It was also really entertaining to watch with her in her sexy maid dress.
I think this picture is very Peter and Wyatt. This is one of my favourite pictures I have ever taken.
Those Wheat Thins appear throughout todays pics. I don't know if they're in any others that I posted (I may have cut them out) but they seemed to be stalking my camera. I think they dream of being a model one day.
I would have bitten his finger. I can't figure out why Matt didn't. I mean, the opportunity was right there.
I like this shot. It looks like it belongs on the cover of an alternative magazine.
I heart Holly.
"I know you want the dress, Nick. But it's just not for you!"
I have no idea why, but I REALLY like this shot.
I need to get some good shots of Janet. The thing is, she's in the ENTIRE FREAKING SHOW. When she's not one stage, I'm on stage.
Oh, and the story on Jordan McClellan. She was crossing the street with Lillian Cancado, and stepped in front of a car and was propelled about six feet forward, unsconcious. She has broken her ankle, her humorus (funny bone) severely bruised her hip, scratched up her face really badly, and gotten a pretty harsh concussion. Last night she had a minor seizure and was vomitting a lot at the hospital. She woke up the morning, and her first words were "What day is it? I've got to get ready for homecoming!"
She will probably not be able to attend homecoming, but she will be alright.
Pray (or whatever equivalent you have) for her and her family. They're supposed to go to London soon, because her sister's having a baby. Also pray for the girl who hit her, because that has got to be pretty traumatizing.