Aug 12, 2006 15:46
This, for those of you who know me well, will shock you.
Stop reading until you are fully prepared… or at least sitting down.
I just got new sheets, pillowcases, and comforter for my bed. It was a time for change, I wonder if this is why I came up with Death when I took the tarot quiz online.
I know you are all wondering why this is shocking… well it isn’t really, the shocking part comes later.
I tried to use my sewing machine, it’s been moved a few times since it was last used. By moved around I mean by movers, from Japan to Nebraska to Tucson. It’s in sad shape and needs some TLC and isn’t useable right now. To top it off I’m afraid to sew what needs to be sewn because it’s a fabric that is hard to work with, satin and I REALLY don’t want to screw this up.
If you know me really well you may have an inkling of what I’m doing.
Does anyone know a good seamster or seamstress. Hmmmm, spell check doesn’t think guys should sew. Well, back to the topic at hand. I need someone to create my new woobie. There I said it, I’m retiring woobie and need a new one. He shall (from the time of his creation) be know as new woobie or woobie2.
For those of you not shocked because you don’t know the story of woobie here you go. I’ve have woobie, my pillow and pillowcase, since I was five.
He -yes, he- has been with me though everything, he knew me when I had my first boyfriend and then was with me when I was married, he’s cradled my daughter when she was small and when she wouldn’t sleep I'd put him in her bed and she’d be snoring her baby snores in minutes. He was there for heart break and crazy sex, if he could talk he'd tell you some tear-jerking stories and others that would make your tears be ones of laughter.
He’s traveled with me along the way, from California to Germany, Japan, Saudi Arabia, he even stopped in Russia for three days, thought he didn’t get of the ship, He’s been to England, France, Italy, Austria, well, everywhere I’ve been. He had a wonder trip to Seattle, and a few foogy stays in San Francisco and lived just outside of DC for a while, he’s made a few drives to San Diego and Long Beach. He doesn’t get to see the outside of a bag or bedroom much but he’s been there for me whenever I’m tired.
He’s been chewed and slobbered on by dogs, puppies my daughter and is used to being moved about the bed in my mouth. He’s slept with other people a couple times but has never left my side for long.
So that said, my new woobie pillowcase needs to be created and I don’t know who to trust. It's hard to part with woobie and worries me a bit, I hope he'll like his new home packed away with things I'll never get rid of and seldom look at but cherish all the same.
Golly that was a powerful tarot card.
Have a great day everyone.
*nuzzles and licks*