Oct 01, 2007 09:46
Song of the day: "She's gonna make it, (and he never will)
I dreamed about Sam again last night. These dreams are becoming more and more frequent. Another night of tossing and turning, of torturing myself in my mind.
In this dream, as in all of them, I was trying so very hard, to convince Sam that she still loved me, and that I loved her.
In this dream, for the first time, Cory was there. And every time it appeared that I have almost convinced her, he would whisper something and she would revert. In this one she was also putting me through "tests". Which were nothing more that punishment.
"If you really love me, the toilet needs scrubbed."
"If you really love me, the blinds are really gunky."
I don't know what this means.
No, that is not true. I am afraid I know exactly what this means.
Just not certain why I am so hell bent on torturing myself for something that cannot possibly ever happen.
*slaps own face*
Wake up Murphy!