I'm thankful for having Tuesday off, because I got to spend the day with Arun, watch his band practice, and work on my postcards, which I'm selling on Friday for my friend Wina's launch of her book Paperweight.
"Artists are usually full of themselves, and you are the opposite." Arun said* to me. We were fixing the layout of my drawings in Photoshop, and I was asking him which cat looked better.
"But I don't like the squiggly lines inside, kita o!" I thought the old one I made was to skritch-skratchy so I made a new, cleaner, "better" version.
"You're a strange artist, you don't see the good stuff about your drawings."
And I cowered in shame and continue fixing the resolution and image sizes of my other designs. I should've done this earlier, I thought to myself. It was 9:30 pm and I'm stressed about postcards. I don't know much about Photoshop and if it weren't for Arun, maybe they won't be as nice as I'd want them to be because I used the wrong image settings.
Things really are better when your better half is around :)
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It's the first time I'm ever going to sell any of my drawings in any form. I never made money out of my art until now. So when it came to preparations for stuff like this, I still have a lot to learn. A lot. Not to be pessimistic, but if I won't sell a lot on Friday, at least I tried and got out there. Even if "out there" is as far as the gate outside your house.