Ok, I just want to point out something for the record books.
I live in Muncie, IN ok? You know where that is? It's about an hour northeast of the capital. Now, the date is April 24th (Roomates bday! woo) and it is 30 degrees outside and it snowed today. And not just a dusting! It STUCK! It's there. Dog prints in the snow and everything. It
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Do any of you remember the show "The Round House?" It was on Nickelodeon a long long time ago. I vaguely remember it, but it was like All That and I used to watch that too.
I also miss "Are You Afraid of the Dark," "AAHHH Real Monsters," and "Rockos Modern Life," That was my generations Nickelodeon. lol
Oh and congrats on the bed Murph! My super cool bed got destroyed because my mom moved back in with us and needed to take my extra boxspring and mattress. Now I just have a normal bed again. :( lol
god. *old*
I freaked out when I remembered Princepal Pimpel (that's Pim-pel). Like when you forget about something, pushed so far back into your mind so you spend a few minutes trying to remember it. When you do, it almost knocks you out of your seat. That was that.
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