survey time...

Jan 03, 2009 15:38

Hope everyone had a great holiday break!  I will update later with my break adventures including some pictures.

Love you all!


How did you get one of your scars?
Itching my chicken pox until they bled when I was little

How did you celebrate your last birthday?
Chinese with Meagan and High School Musical marathon.  lol

How are you feeling at this moment?

How did your night go last night?
Long and tiring.  I flew back to NC from MI.

How did you do in high school?
I was an alpha grad... :)

How did you get the shirt you're wearing?
Well the blue Louie TShirt was a freebie at a sporting event and I'm still wearing my new GV Alumni hoodie.  :)

How often do you see your good friends?

Depends....on my location. :)

How much money did you spend last month?
probably close to $1300 since rent...and xmas and my travel costs..

How old do you want to be when you get married?
In my mid-late 20s

How old will you be at your next birthday?


Your mothers name?
Beverly Sue

What did you do last weekend?
Friday=Meyering Christmas Gathering in McBain, xmas present opening, watched PS I love you
Saturday=Stockings, peppermint ice cream, goodbyes, fog driving, Muskegon with my boys...

Sunday= Nephew time...Ludington--gathering at the rock

What is the most important part of your life?
Loving the people who love me.

What would you rather be doing?

What did you last cry over?
Leaving Trent.  Before that--the movie Marley & Me.

What always makes you feel better when you’re upset?
Sleeping, listening to music that's full of angst, cleaning

What’s the most important thing you look for in a significant other?
That's hard.  There are many expectations.  lol
The ability to make me smile or laugh in any situation.
Wants children
Willingness to succeed--or push/work for success

What are you worried about?
My kids at school--me being prepared for the week after a 2 week break
Trent & I--not being together
I'm scared my nephews won't know who I am after 5-6 months of not seeing me around.
I'm scared my family members may die without me having the chance to say goodbye and I love you.  Pets too. :)
I have lots of issues.  lol

What did you have for breakfast?
I didn't.


Have you ever liked someone who had and/boyfriend?

Have you ever had your heartbroken?
Not really.  It's always been mutual

Have you ever been out of the country?

Have you ever done something outrageously dumb?
Spending too much at the bar
Opening my big mouth at the wrong time
Hit a parked car

Have you ever been back stabbed by a friend?
I think everyone has at one point in time.

Have you ever had sex on the beach?

Have you ever dated someone younger than you?
Yes--will never happen again.

Have you ever read an entire book in one day?


Who was the last person you saw?

Who was the last person you texted?

Who was the last person you hung out with?

Who was the last person to call you?
Insurance Lady

Who did you last hug?
Meagan when she picked me up from the airport in Raleigh

Who is the last person who texted you?

Who was the las person you said "i love you" to?


Where does your best friend live?

Where did you last go?
Taco Bell.

Where did you last hang out?
Meagan's house

Where have you gone to school?
Ludington Area Catholic, Franklin Elementary, Lakeview Elementary, OJ DeJonge Junior High, Ludington High School, Grand Valley State University, presently teaching at Rockfish Hoke Elementary

Where is your favorite place to be?
In Trent's arms.
Near anyone I love
In my bed

Where did you sleep last night?
Meagan's couch.


Do you like someone right now?
I love my family, Trent, and my friends.

Do you think anyone likes you?'
I would hope all of them do!

Do you ever wish you were someone else?
In Michigan

Do you know the muffin man?
not really

Does the future scare you?
Hell yes


Why are you best friends with your best friend(s)?
Why do you ask about best friends all the damn time?

Why did you get a myspace?
Keep in touch to those I know or knew

Why did your parents give you the name you have?
Kelly--because it starts with a K, it's Irish, has a long "E" sound at the end. 
Frances=my paternal grandmother's name

Why are you doing this survey?
Saw it on some people's myspaces and wanted to waste time and not clean.  lol


If you could have one super power what would it be?
to be nonstop HAPPY

If you could go back in time and change one thing, would youyes---don't know about what one thing thugh

If u were stranded on a deserted island & could bring 1 thing what would you bring?
someone to talk to. I know that isn't a thing, but whatev.


Would you ever get back together with any of your ex’s if they asked you?
ha, it's been done before.

Would you ever shave your head to save someone you love?


Are you happy with your life right now?
I love some aspects of my life--but things can ALWAYS get better.
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