Aug 02, 2004 14:44
So its been pretty crazy outside of Illinois lately... everyone is doing things and things are happening...
the run down:
1. My sister got robbed twice (kind of) and well, by the looks of the journal it has stopped and slowly being taken care of...
2. Lauren is still prego's (this is GOOD), she will be in the hospital until she gives birth, and although hospitals suck, the longer she is there the better!!
3. Beth went to Europe and is now back and driving to NC for a week. She had a blast and i cant wait to see the pics.
4. Mike's dad is getting worse... I hate to say it that way, but i honestly dont know another way. It seems that he is out of remission, and the cancer is spreading rapidly... its in his bones. I know this isnt good, but Mike doesnt really understand just how bad it could be, and I am doing my best to be positive about the whole thing and spare him of the inevitable... Dad's being seen in boston next week and this amazing cancer center and they will determine what will happen. after that he will return to Boston a few weeks later to start whatever treatment it is he needs. We wish him the best, and thats all I can say right now.
On the same story, I am trying to send Mike out to Boston to be with him, but we have no money... I found a rather inexpensive flight but we really cant pay for it for a nother few weeks and i dont want that to happen... so we pray that the refund comes quickly and we can take off.
Other than that, things at school are almost over and well... the new semester will start soon... cant wait!
i miss my friends.