Apr 22, 2004 11:00
1.) Name. -- Meryl
2.) Gender. -- female
3.) Pet's Name. -- Ozzie and Loki (my kitties)
4.) Last word you said. -- two (as in TWO hot dogs)
5.) Last person you hugged. -- Michael
6.) Last food you ate. -- cheerios with bananas and strawberries
7.) Secret crushes name. -- I have a secret crush on.... my husband :)
8.) Celebrity crushes name. -- Aragorn from lord of the rings... but i dont know his real name.. haha
9.) What would you name your daughter if you had one. -- Meryl2 hahaha... Honestly, I havent given it any thoguht.
10.) What would you name your son. -- again... no thought
11.) What is your secret fantasy. -- win amillion bucks... but its no secret...
12.) Who was your last lover. -- Michael (forever)
13.) Craziest thing you have ever done. -- Threw shit off of a bridge.. long story... fun fun
14.) Last time you felt radiant. -- currently... i love my new hair!
15.) Ever been in love? With who? -- I am right now :) my husband... the love of my life
Favorites ---
1.) Food. --Pickles
2.) Song. -- Lizards- Phish
3.) Movie. -- Girl Interupted and K-Pax
4.) Person. -- my fam
5.) Animal. -- kitties!
6.) Book. -- Jemima J- Jane Green (its a chick thang)
7.) God/ Goddess. -- the guy who brings wind... i dont know!
8.) Cartoon when you were a kid. -- Smurfs
9.) Favorite toy when you were a kid. -- cabbage patch kids
10.) Family member. -- this isnt right...
Dislikes ---
1.) Food. -- pepper
2.) Animal. -- reptiles
3.) Person. -- i would say her name, but people I know read this!
4.) Store. -- slut stores
5.) Car. -- yours
6.) Hair color. -- mine
7.) Movie. -- Weekend at Bernies or Green card
8.) Color. -- puke
9.) Art. -- mine
10.) Family Member. -- again, not right
What do you think when you hear this word ---
1.) Love. -- my hair!
2.) Pagan. -- darcey
3.) Death. --uhhh....
4.) Wish. -- i had money!
5.) Burn. -- curling iron
6.) Pin Prick. -- ouch!
7.) Exhale. -- french horn
8.) Game. -- four square
9.) Apples. -- red
10.) I. -- am fuckin awesome!
11.) Truly. -- wretched
12.) Dry. -- face
13.) Birth. -- babies
14.) Fluid. -- piss
15.) Guitar. -- michael
16.) Adam. -- eve?
17.) Ratio. -- significant difference in statisitical data
18.) Hurt. -- my thighs
19.) Garden. -- Busch
20.) Prefer. -- warm to cold
21.) Behind. -- the door (my cat currently)
22.) Wonder. -- I wonder if I will get money soon
23.) Time. -- not enough
24.) Blue. -- my coffee cup
25.) Decay. -- my teeth... damn it!
26.) Bowl. -- can't say...
27.) Hang. -- er
28.) Pest. -- my cats at 3am
29.) Meal. -- Lunch
30.) Reality. -- no such thing or is it everything?
Complete the sentence ---
1.) I do it just because I ____ . -- can
2.) Everything I do is ____ . -- woth doing again
3.) The woman who lives there ____ . -- is ME!
4.) Now I can go to ____ . -- New York!
5.) Oh my God! What happened to my ____ . -- HAIR!
6.) Save ____. -- Ferris!
7.) There is something I want to do more than ____. -- school
8.) Everything else seems clear, I guess at least now I ____. -- can just coast along...
9.) I know I dont look like ____. -- a male
10.) George Bush ____ . -- can go to hell!
11.) Gay marriage should be ____ . -- completely legal
12.) Fuck you, and your ____ . -- right wing crap!
13.) I dont want anyone to follow me except ____ . -- everyone and their mother. HA!
14.) To tell you the truth I'd prefer ____ . -- making money than spending it...
15.) I am ____ . -- fucking awesome!