May 16, 2006 18:25
im saying things: for example theres this company trying to put out a vaccine for genital warts
im saying things: i guess they just came up with one
im saying things: but theyre trying to tell people that its a cutre for cervical cancer
im saying things: in the commercial
im saying things: because genital warts SOMETIMES causes cervical cancer
edramallama: lol
edramallama: yeah
edramallama: HPV
edramallama: or whatever
im saying things: and the way they are marketing it is to say you need to get all your kids girls 9-21 vaccinated for cervical cancer so they dont die
im saying things: instead of liek telling them what the shit is they came out with
im saying things: of course you see its not on the news that theres a vacine for genital warts right
edramallama: rifk
im saying things: its so they can make money off us
im saying things: and so im tellin gthem in evewry survey
im saying things: that theyre full of shit
im saying things: and insulting our intelligence
im saying things: so they wont market it liek thta