May 15, 2006 20:46
I hate talking to friends and finding out that they believe really fucked up things. For example this morning I found out my friend of several months believes that special needs children should be aborted. In fact, according to her, that is the only time that abortion is acceptable. Hmmm. Right.
Speaking of special needs kids, my brother just moved into a group home a few weeks ago. He LOVES it. The caregivers are mostly punk rock guys in their twenties. Chris is really enjoying being out of the house and living with cool guys. It's good for him since he's had mostly female caregivers for a long time now. Chris has a really nice room with a tv, a computer, and a huge skylight. It's a lot nicer than my quad, I'll tell you what. The house is big and really close to my parents. I'm going to have to visit him a lot because he's my brother and I love him (okay, one of the caretakers is really hot. We're talking young Elvis Costello hot). Yup, I'm a good sister!
As much as I have enjoyed my freshman year I am ready for summer break. I am taking two science classes and continuing to work at the coffee shops on campus. I wish I didn't have to do either, but I need money and I know I'd get uncomfortable if I went three months without going to school(Wow, that sounds kind of sad...) I'll still get a hefty break though where I won't have any real commitments.
Well, I suppose I'll get back to the homework I'm putting off by updating.