For my memoy's sake:
Bonnaroo 2012 = Bonnawooooooooooooooooooooo!
June 7th-10th, technically
June 6th-11th adventures
Drove all the way from NJ down through Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee round 1, Georgia, Alabama, and Tennessee Again! Let on June 6th at 2am, and arrived at our final destination around 3pm. Jenna's Chevy Aveo proved to be a champ on the way there. Made a pee pit stop in Georgia and another in Alabama. Meg wrote a song about peeing in the mountains of Alabama -
The Wal Mart parking lot outside of Bonnaroo was POPPIN'. Met 2 hitch hikers who played guitar and met Rachel. She was from Hawaii and needed a ride into the camping area, so she packed into the car with us. We didn't see her the rest of the time we were there. Our neighbors were obnoxiously prepared at the camp site. We didn't even have a tent, and we fucking Owned it. Bed happened early - Jenna and Meg in my hand-crafted table cloth tent, and I slept in the car.
Thursday June 7th: Our first day involved a lot of exploring. We checked in with L Will's and her crew at her campsite. Meg and I left Jenna with them, and we wandered. The Applebutter Express was AWESOME at 2pm at the Solar Stage. The Hula Hoop class was right next to us -dangerous territory. Meandered back to camp for snacks, PBR Slushies, and naps. Jenna, Meg, and I met with the other crew to see Dale Earnhardt Jr. Jr. at The Other Tent at 7:15pm. Saw Phantogram at 10:15pm, and I Very much disliked them. Winner of the day was Definitely Applebutter Express...and PBR slushies.
Friday June 8th: The Kooks from 12:15-1:15pm. I was disappointed. The Tune-Yards played afterwards from 1:45-2:45, and I was in lust with them. Proceded to go see Two-Door Cinema Club who was good, too. (Pleasantly surprised to find so many bands that I liked!) I did my own thing, and made my way over to see Ludacris! Less fun when you're by yourself, but nobody else wanted to see him. Went to meet up with Meg and Jenna to see Foster the People. Met a drunk girl and Nelson by the "bobble heads" while waiting. Both were cool, but Nelson hung with me and Jenna much of the rest of the night, so he was Extra cool. Pumped Up Kicks was, cleverly, the last song for Foster the People, and we went to go see Radiohead afterwards. I was majorly diappointed, but at least I was with good company. Exchanged camping locations with Nelson, so Jenna and I could hang with him again. Sadly, we never saw him again.
Saturday June 9th: