(no subject)

Jan 21, 2010 20:26

About that hardass thing from my previous post...

So I was jogging around 3-4pm at home over break.  It was a beautiful day, and I heard some kids off in the distance as I went down New Albany Road.  I thought, "Aw! How cute. Some kids enjoying this lovely day."  I was facing the sun, so I coudn't see anything when I tried to glance down the side road at the kids.  I finally chimed into what they were doing and saying as I ran past a tree that allowed me to see them.  They were looking right at me and yelled things like, "Look at that clown," and "Retard!"  I stopped dead in my tracks, faced those little fuckers, and started walking straight at 'em.  They look to be about 10 years old and I'm thinking, "What a couple of little punk asses."  Well, almost as soon as I started walking toward them, they take off SPRINTING in the opposite direction.  Ahh.  Such a good feeling hearing them scream as they ran away.  :-)

In other news, for my own sake, I'm throwing my school schedule up here:
3:15-4:30 Environmental Ethics
4:45-6:00 Chemical Biology
12:15-1:30 Advanced French Conversation
3:15-4:30 Population Geography
3:15-4:30 Environmental Ethics
4:45-6:00 Chemical Biology
6:30-9:00 Geography of NJ
12:15-1:30 Advanced French Conversation
3:15-4:30 Population Geography

I'm also doing an internship with the South Jersey Land and Water Trust.  We're still working out the details about WHEN, but I'm going to be working on the vernal pool project for which they have muchos funding.  I'm pretty pumped.  :-)  I'll probably de dedicating much of my Friday's to that.  I'm also still emplyed at Heritage Station Winery, so folks should come visit me!  I'm not working much since it's winter, and they're pretty slow, but it brings in some MUCH needed money.

I'm so poor right now.  I can't stand it.  I paid for this semester (as well as last semester) in cash, so I know I won't be collecting interest on a loan *BUT* it means that, for the time being, I'm broke.  I can't remember the last time I had so little money in the bank.  :-\

To conclude: I miss my old roommate, Sharon.  She tells me things like, " haha but you are JILL FUCKING SANDERS you can do anything."
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