Apr 19, 2008 23:47
i made an outfit out of pillow cases and wore it to the ani concert eugene. i had a couple of hours before leaving and all my clothes were filthy so... i didn't do laundry. i made an outfit. i still need to do laundry and that was wednesday.
things are bearably dull right now. i've got a new female friend which is awesome because i'm overdosing on testosterone. that's a lie. most of my guy friends aren't exactly well endowed with that particular hormone. but still. it's nice to have a friend with a vagina. not that i'm making use of it.
we went to portland last weekend and had a blast. went to a lesbian bar and sang karaoke. i managed to get a boy's phone number. which is weird, because there were only three of them there, one of whom came with our group and his girlfriend. but i made out with a cute girl named bridgette. i also acquired a pair of earrings that are somewhat ugly and i can't remember who gave them to me. some dyke.
been reading a lot of charles de lint lately. i'm going to start my own pillow case clothing line. that only fits me because i really don't have the patience to deal with sizes. i also made earrings out of fishing lures that were free on a street corner in portland. i'm going to learn an instrument too so i can play with sarah. she just joined a band with two middle aged dudes and they're going to play in a coffee shop in eugene may second. be there or be a chair. i have no idea what coffee shop.
this music rocks my socks. but to bed i must go.