(no subject)

Sep 17, 2005 02:38

I feel so left in the dark after what I have seen and heard tonight. The knowledge that I have been lighted to is almost gut wrenching. The sounds of terrorous screams will be forever locked in my memory, and the tears I shed will never be enough.

So I offer you all the opporunity to know what I know... and I beg you not to feed your pet's Iams. If you choose to watch the linked video, you'll understand my sadness. Otherwise, I have provided at least a link to the Iams Cruelty site, and one to PETA - a website worth keeping up to date on if you care what-so-ever about the well-being of animals. I also provided one other website, which is also very informative, and an eye-opener.

The Video
Iams Cruelty
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