Mar 04, 2009 18:16
For those of you who care and do not know I have recently joined the work force. I am now working in a French passtierie selling fancy pastries to fancy people. This job isn't the most interesting job ever, but it is certainly helping me out financially. I also have part time work checking an unpublished American history book for historical accuracy. At first I thought this job would be fairly difficult, but given the nature of the book, and my general knowledge of American history I have found this job to be both fulfilling and engaging. I enjoy realizing that my years spent in school have actually counted for something and that the things I know really aren't just general knowledge things. I may not be as scholarly as some of my friends or as knowledgeable in the subject as others, but I feel satisfied nonetheless. I had a short day at the shop today, came home and started reading chapters, when I looked up next it was 6pm. I had been reading, researching, and commenting for 6 hours. Time does fly when you're doing something you love. It's like that Sam Adam's commercial. Do the thing you love and never work a day in your life.