Hidey Ho, neighbor! What are you doing here? Are you lost?

Feb 14, 2004 23:44

Well, I should've picked a new alias, but I get tired of trying to keep track of who I am depending on where I am on the 'net. Since this is my writing journal, I might as well use my penname, so to speak. Besides, I've never been good at the whole split personality type of thing. I have enough "crazy" as is in real life. No need to inject a new psychosis into my virtual one.

I've been debating about having a writing journal for awhile. Then, in a fit of swelling ego, I decided "yes, let's flood the internet with even more inane writing about writing." I think I can defend my actions as promoting free speech and the right to behave like an idiot, but well, to be honest, I'm creating a journal because I love writing about writing. The fact I have no idea what I'm talking about half the time just makes it even more funny.

And to be honest, it's not like anyone will pick THIS journal to read out of the millions out there.

So, this will be a mostly public journal, with me ruminating on writing and posting writing links which I find interesting. I might do fanfic recs, as well.

If you randomly happened in, welcome. Post your own musings on writing. Flame me for flagrantly breaking the "bloody stupid act". I suspect the journal may die after a few weeks, being that I have the attention span of a concussed frog, but hey, while it's here, have fun.

My name is Muri, and we're all strangers here. And I bet I'm even stranger than you!


ps: for those zoology majors who accidentally lured in by my penname ... sorry. Nothing to do with rodents. I do like them though (and I also love zoology -- Giant Squid, yea!), and you're free to post even if it's to say "NERG! FOOLED AGAIN!"
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