O...kay. Somewhere I lost the last end of 2010 it seems. XD I didn't mean to pull the great disappearing trick, but life really was (and continues to STILL be) incredibly chaotic and busy. After all, 2010 was a huge year of changes for me!
The holidays, especially, went by so fast it felt that I was just starting to say "Happy Thanksgiving ... what do you mean it's New Years?!"
So yeah, life continues to fly past, sometimes in a good way, sometimes ... not in a good way. Unfortunately, it's been more the latter than the former these last four months *hugs self* but it's the new year, it's time for a new start, eh? So here's to 2011!!!
Actually XD I wouldn't have had the time to do this but for a freak winter storm that's totally iced me in today and tomorrow (and perhaps even Wednesday! 0_o) But it does remind me to slow down and stop spinnin' my tires and burnin' out my own engine..
So first up, let's look back at 2010 and see what I accomplished in fandom ...
Hmm. Not a whole lot. All of what I wrote by myself was in response to the LAST apology post. XD
Still, thanks to that, I did manage to write one hikago story that was of a decent length. Haven't had time to edit it though, so it's still flocked.
Paranormal Relativity. There were also two very short drabbles in the Hikago verse:
And One to Grow On Spin Cycle And a short drabble in the Hikaruto Verse:
Candle on the Water And there was one for Konjiki no Gash Bell
Reunion I think the biggest thing that managed to be accomplished was Aishuu finally published the fic she and I wrote together, Natural Selections. As accomplishments go, that's not a bad one, but it's mostly out there due to her hard work. *blush* I can't thank her enough for that. She definitely puts up a lot from me, since I'm a flaky sort of co-writer, as anyone who has written with me can attest.
Natural Selection This is also a good place for me to begin my extensive thank you list for this year. *blushes again* I'm really lucky and blessed to have a lot of kind people in my life.
And just like every year before, this year also had a WHOLE BUNCH of people did some really nice things for me.
I've finally managed to put up a section for them in the top post, but I wanted to say it again here. Amothea very kindly put my fic, Square One, in a podfic format and hosted it on her own page
Ebook Library rhea314 also did a mindblowing job putting up a podfic of Square One. HOLY CRAP. That monstrosity isn't short, y'know! *Still is goggling!!!* Aaand I just remembered I never thanked her. I am worse than dirt.
I also couldn't have gotten by without the ever patient ever present help of my long suffering beta, Imbrium. I'll always owe you one. *hugs*
Finally I owe a huge thank you and a glomp every single person who's ever commented on my journal or my fic or just gave me a note to try to cheer me up. *hugs* *glomps* It means a lot. I feel horrible that I haven't been really good keeping up with everyone ... but it made some days more bearable, it really did.
Because the holidays were unspeakably hectic (I had a whole boatload of guests this year, which made it really fun, but I didn't have much time to myself) I didn't get to do my old boxing day tradition of releasing SOMETHING from my archive that I've never posted before.
I'm too late for boxing day, but eh, here's some fics anyway from the locked archive. This time, they're from four years ago!
There is good news in that I actually worked on most of my outstanding fic that still have no endings. Even if it's been years these things still tend to bug me, so yeah, that's always good, right?
However, for the boxing day fic, well *blush* I was cleaning out and updating my master fic post to make sure things worked. And yeah, I FINALLY figured out, after several comments, why people couldn't read the Puddle Jumping Permutation fics (I left a filter on that I didn't know was there. Oops.)
Again, I cannot state enough times that these were written about 4 years ago. 0_o But here they are, and you should be able to read them now. And they're new to you at least?! But they've not been edited AT ALL. *sighs* It's like opening a time capsule that my old me left for this new me and well ... some things haven't aged well. Great gravy!
All are rated G except the last one. However, since they're all on the same page, they all have the same "adult" tag. Eh well.
Konjiki no Gash Bell
Puddle Jumping Okami
She Moves in Mysterious Ways Hikaru No Go
Rainy Days and Igo And there's a bonus AIM fic here:
Nigiri and Other Personal Problems that Igo Cannot Resolve. That one isn't quite kidsafe so .... yeah. If you're too young, please don't get me in trouble.
Though I think I released this one elsewhere. Oh well. This one's really not edited at all ... it's in its first form, straight from the AIM. So, well, just in case you were EVER wondering what it looks like when I compose in a chat box, in media res, at 3 am in the morning, here you go!
If I'm still snowed in on Wednesday, I'll either finish the apology prompt post or work on getting another ninja story I found in the archive up. Otherwise, thank you for supporting me throughout last year, and here's hoping that this year will be better than and greater than the last. :)