Jul 12, 2009 14:16
yesterday i got a rack mounted on the back of my bike, and then i mounted a crate. now i have a trunk for hauling cargo! this is helpful in transporting even a few groceries and makes buying jugs of juice or soda more easily possible (they take up a whole backpack.) i also bought a watch. and i would like to recommend pocketknife ownership to everyone. it's the best tool i've ever bought.
this morning i pedaled all the way to target. if i did the math right that's like 50 blocks. exact opposite end of town. now i'm across the street at the mall food court where i could get my hands on some crappy chinese food and wireless internet in one shot. i'm calling to get internet installed tomorrow. i cannot go on like this.
i think i'm going to go try to buy a book or something to do...so i can go home and be lazy. call me. i'm bored.