Fortunately, rubber tyres float. This is probably just as well, as the car and I had to pretty much swim home through a cloudburst after I finished work this evening. The sky descended with a vengeance, and you couldn't actually see more than about ten feet ahead of you. The A40, officially a 40 mph zone in the part of it I was traversing, frequently sees people leaning a little heavily on the accelerator and doing 50, if there aren't any little yellow boxes on poles with cameras inside anywhere near. I swear, this is the first time I've gone along it and not got out of second gear when there wasn't a rush hour traffic jam in progress.
So. Waterwings. I dropped my half-formed plan to take a detour via the supermarket, in the interests of staying dry, and the car and I waded home as best we could. I think the last time I drove through standing water on a road that deep I was doing it in the MG-F my brother had at the time, which was certainly more interesting - they're pretty low to the ground! - but this was plenty interesting enough for me.
I can't say that I'm that surprised at the water from the sky though. It's the weekend of the Glastonbury Festival. Wimbledon starts on Monday. Rain is pretty much inevitable.
Incidentally, Sasha, my slightly soggy car is ever so proud of itself this evening. Because
Martha Jones has had a Star Silver coloured Vauxhall Corsa just like it, so it's feeling all puffed up with fame by proxy. It wants to hire out its services to the lookalike agencies as a near-double of a Doctor Who star now. I haven't quite got the heart to break it to it that as an X reg rather than a P, it's actually the next model on from Martha's car, so a slightly more mature Corsa is likely to snatch the job from under its nose.
I think I need to watch this week's episode again before I can form much in the way of coherent thoughts about it, other than: yay, the Master! Whee, Gallifrey! Ooh look, Time Lord fashion! However I am feeling blissfully smug about being proven right within 30 seconds of the opening of this week's episode, that travel by spacehopper* would feature as the Doctor, Martha and Jack's getaway from the narsty sharp toothed baddies in the far flung future.
* The Doctor's somewhat scathing put down of Jack's Time Agent wristwatch, likening travel by TARDIS to a sportscar in comparison. They talked a lot last week about bouncing, but the after-effects of travel by wristwatch actually look a lot closer to the downside of Apparation. Like Harry Potter, I think I might prefer travel by broom.
ETA: Why isn't it next Saturday yet? Why must I wait?