Sep 21, 2005 20:12
Ok, today I was surfing around facebook, and found a club called " Future Trophy Wives (auburn Chapter)." Seriously! What is this world coming to? I mean if you find a guy that makes enough to let you do that and you want to, then cool. These girls are actually going to college, and paying big bucks might I add, with the sole purpose of finding a guy who they can rely completely on. Why even go to college then? If someone isn't here to learn, then please tell me the purpose of a college. I always thought it was to further one's education, but apparently to some it's a social club to meet people that will one day make your life a piece of cake. Sorry, this is really irking me. It gets better though. Here's the statement on the club's page:
"This group is for all the ladies at Auburn who will someday be the trophy wives of the neighborhood.
You may work when you graduate or you may be a "stay at home wife." Always in pearls and that perfectly matched argyle cashmere cardigan with a skirt and heels on.
You'll be the one driving that Mercedes SUV, have dinner on the table when your man arrives home from work, and have a house in immaculate condition.
Your educated, dedicate your days to bettering your community through charity work and philanthropy, you have impeccable manners and etiquette, and use your status to better those around you and manage to look amazing while doing so.
Your also the one with the 3 carot diamond ring!"
Ok, let's look at this. They say they are for both working and non-working females, but all the emphasis is put on the "stay at home" idea. The last two sections show that they obviously don't pay attention in school ( "Your" replaces "You're" twice. Once is an accident, twice is a problem. I'm not even going to mention the insane run on sentence and lack of parallelism. Fine, I lied :)). Oh, and if you are so concerned with the size of a stone learn it's spelled "carat" and not a incorrectly spelled orange vegetable. They also didn't capitalize Auburn in the group's title. IT'S A FREAKIN PROPER NOUN!!! THAT'S LIKE FOURTH GRADE STUFF! PLUS YOU SEE IT SPELLED EVERYWHERE ON CAMPUS LIKE THAT!!!
Aside from all that, many of these girls are part of groups that beg the question, " where are all the nice guys?" My thoughts are, " running from girls like you." Anyone who is obviously this self-absorbed cannot realistically want true love, but merely a nice big house and someone to pay the rather hefty bills. I'm not saying that rich, nice guys don't exist, but I am saying that wanting a relationship purely for the reason of making your life easier, and more materialistically fulfilling, is just selfish. How can you want a great guy when you can't love him more than yourself? Be a waste for someone who cares about more than the things of this world. This next group of guys certainly dont fall into that criterion.
Seriously, when I saw this group I nearly flipped out. I have lost all hope and respect for most of the male gender. The group is titled, " Future Owners of Future Trophy Wives of America (Auburn Chapter)'s Profile ." Ok, chauvinism at it's best right? Oh, gets better. Here's their description:
"We are a group of gentlemen who early on realized that one day we will own a fine piece of ass due to our large sums of money and our outstanding chivalry. We absolutely will not settle for the typical, run-of-the-mill suburban mom. We will own at least 2 houses on the same street and maybe two more on the next block. Two vacation homes are required in either Central America or South America and one city loft. The only person to have more bling than our wives will be ourselves. Our wives must have perfect attributes in every physical aspect. However, intelligence is optional."
WOW....Did you read the first sentence? How can you make that claim AND THEN CLAIM TO BE REMOTELY RESPECTFUL OF WOMEN!!! CHIVALRY REQUIRES RESPECT FOR THE FEMALE GENDER!!! THESE GUYS PROBABLY THINK CHIVALRY IS AN OLD WOODEN SHIP USED IN THE CIVIL WAR!!! IT EVEN USES THE WORD "OWN." NOT " GET MARRIED TO " OR EVEN "WIND UP WITH." YOU "OWN" AN XBOX; YOU DON'T "OWN" A WIFE!!!Sorry.... and then look at the last three sentences, if the urge to vomit hasn't become too strong to resist anymore. They expect their wives to, while playing second fiddle to their own selfish desires, be physical paragons who don’t have to be able to distinguish a fork from a spoon.... These guys epitomize the reason I hate being a guy most the time. I'm going to have to go calm down somewhere now.....
THERE'S EVEN A TROPHY HUSBAND GROUP....AND THE LEADER APPEARENTLY DOESNT UNDERSTAND THE CONCEPT!! AND HALF THE MEMBERS ARE GIRLS!!! That's it... I give up....I'm going to be before the sun crashes into my bedroom and leprechauns pop out to serve me steak and waffles while whistling "It's a Small World after All."