Nearest Book Meme

Sep 21, 2006 23:36

Tagged by ginnunggap:

1. Grab the nearest book.
2. Open the book to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the text of the next 4 sentences on your LJ along with these instructions.
5. Don’t you dare dig for that "cool" or "intellectual" book in your closet! I know you were thinking about it! Just pick up whatever is closest.
6. Tag five people.

Round her she made an atmosphere of life,
The very air seemed lighter from her eyes,
They were so soft and beautiful, and rife
With all we can imagine of the skies,
And pure as Psyche ere she grew a wife
Too pure even for the purest human ties;
Her overpowering presence made you feel
It would be idolatry not to kneel.

Don Juan, Lord Byron, Canto the Third, Verse LXXIV

I elected to type out a single stanza, rather than the next five "sentences," since all of Byron's sentences run eight lines of iambic pentameter.

Hmm, let's try for a book featuring actual sentences, shall we? Next closest...

Laughing herself, feeling glad to be alive and young and a singer in Arbonne in summer-time, Lisseut contineud down towards the harbour and then right at the first crossing lane and saw the familiar, much-loved sign of The Liensenne swinging above the street.
As always, it felt like coming home. Home was really Vezet, of course, on the coast further east with the famous olive groves climbing up behind it, but this, the original "Tavern in Tavernel" for which Anselme of Cauvas had written his song years and years ago, was a kind of second home for all the musicians of Arbonne. Marotte, the proprieter, had served as a surrogate father and confidant for half the younger joglars and poets in his day, including Lisseut herself when she had first said goodbye to her parents and her home and followed her troubador uncle onto the road, trusting in her voice and music to feed her and keep her alive.

A Song for Arbonne, Guy Gavriel Kay

Note that the next three closest books are Pratchett's Lords & Ladies (sorry, Niko), David Gemmel's The Legend of Deathwalker, and Joel Rosenberg's The Silver Crown. These are all on my desk or the floor beside it.

laobscuridad, firaela, ultiville, ethicsgradient, cute_fuzzy_evil... Tag! You're it!
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