Nov 17, 2004 19:59
Hi all!
So, the band practice that I was looking forward to (yes I was) was cancelled....physical labour eh James? I hope it happens soon....I wanna meet "the guys" lol....but probably not this weekend. I just realised something. I am busy. I mean, four out of my five lunch hours are consistently busy, and I always have stuff happening on the weekend. Take this weekend, for example. I'm hoping to go out, possibly with Caitlin and do that thing of which I shall not speak here....not sex you perv! oy! Anywho, then on saturday I'm hopefully going horseback riding with my mom (yay bonding!:P) and then watching Rocky Horror (Tristan and Roxy, I will de-virginize you! lol) then yay sleepover and....yeah okay so that's it but still. Oh yeah, and buying candy with Laurel on Sunday. Bulk Barn to the max!
Today was kind of a crappy day....I was really tired because I stayed up late last night (erm, this morning) watching part of a movie....pissed off at my first period teacher, he totally abandoned us for like a third of the class--or was it longer than that? So, anyway, teacher leaves for long while (by the way, fyi all you out there, it's illegal for a teacher to leave a class unattended) and when teacher comes back, teacher says nothing about leaving, acts as though he didn't leave and....yeah anywho that and I was, erm, complaining about this to a dear friend of mine when the person with the locker next to mine whom I was NOT talking to said "No actually, you're just being a bitch about it" and proceded to interrupt me when I tried to explain my point of view. I found that rather rude....if you want to call me a bitch, at least let me give you my side so that we both know it's justified. Because of the thing first period, I skipped math class, since I was just feeling the intense need to cool down before socializing again. I told my mom about it all, including the skipping, and now I feel much better. Still doesn't hurt to come on here and rant though=D
~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ Aaaaannnnnnyyyywwwwwwwwaaaaaayyyyyy ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~
I'm really looking forward to....well, everything I have coming up. Including, yes, Music Night. For anyone who reads this pre-show, music night starts at I think 7:30pm, Thurs Nov. 18, tix are $12 for adults, 8 for students and seniors.
Saturday is going to be fun....Love you Erin!<3333333333333333333333
Exhausted and Signing off now!
toodles all