Jul 13, 2008 18:21
it's my first blog on livejournal and for some reason i feel like it should be something epic. i'm exhausted for sure. i had one of those uinbelievably lucid dreams last night. the kind that wakes you up and convinces you of it's impotance to the extent that you can't go back to sleep. i had another blog that was supposed to be a diary of evolution and recovery but ended up documenting a spiraling devolution and dissolution.
where to go from here?
i'm at work. people are talking about all kinds of crap. tomorrow i need to get myself back in the habit of getting up early for the coming semester.
i just got back from sydney the other day. it was lovely actually although reports of australia being rife with platypi were somewhat exagerated.
i want to play guitar. i am fairly good at it, not actually great mind you...just quite good. i need to join a band or something.
at least i am getting tattooed again this week....
first blog