(no subject)

Aug 11, 2010 23:38

I really need to learn to finish the things I start before beginning other things.


I admit to using a NaNoWriMo device to pull words, but seriously, who wouldn't want to see Kirk confessing his love for Spock by singing "Fever" (the Adam Lambert version) during a post-treaty-signing party including a bunch of Romulans, Admiral Pike, and Spock's Dad?  It was eerily accurate, too.  Oh, Jim, you're adorable when you're drunk off your ass.

And somehow, Spock getting kidnapped turned into a weird half-homage to "Amok Time," with Sybok crashing the fight at the highest moment of tension and beating the shit out of everyone present.


So, the basic premise of my new crossover monster is: Spock moonlights as a reclusive consulting detective named "Grayson Holmes."  Very few know of his double nature, but he's fairly famous by his pseudonym in certain circles.  So, he goes on shore leave on a resort/theme park/ren-faire type planet based on (shock and awe) Victorian England.  Kirk is left aboard the ship for three days doing Paperwork From Hell, but when his leave finally starts, Rand recommends a certain boarding house...the landlady tells him he'll have to share.  It is revealed he's rooming with Spock.  Yay.  Suffice to say, a serial killer causes trouble, Spock has to reveal his moonlighting to Kirk and does stupid things to try and protect him (S.K. has a weakness for blue-eyed blondes).  As for most of the rest, I don't have the least idea.

I have know excuse beyond the Sherlock Holmes Omnibus I got last Friday, which, by the way, is ridiculously, awesomely slashy.  Also, I love it because, despite my crime-drama Genre Savviness, I always get it wrong.  If it was Law & Order, I'd've solved the case within five minutes, but since it's Holmes, he's always got something else out there!  Seriously, it's probably unhealthy to enjoy being proven wrong by a fictional character, but, really, I love it.

So far my favorite is Hound of the Baskervilles, because it made me really want to make a picture of what Watson's sekrit diari would have looked like.  Really, he's so obsessed, it's like a middle-school crush and I LOVE IT!

This is the sparkletext I envision him using:

Because you know, despite the sheer impossibility of such things in Victorian England, you know Watson would get all fangirly.  And there were definitely hearts along with the glitter gel pen.  *giggle*

Oh, and as of reading "The Boscombe Valley," I've concluded Mary knows of and fully supports Holmes and Watson's shenanigans.

Ohhhs, and, before I forget, I want to randomly pimp out an awesome H/W vid I found on YouTube, just to kill your browsers even more, dear friendslist!

...Damn, it won't embed, but it's awesome, so I'll link.

I Hate Everyone (Holmes/Watson) by multicgypsy on YouTube

watson is such a girl, kirk/spock, crossovers, pure awesome, fanfic, holmes/watson, pinto, gifs, frustration, kirk is ridiculous, video, big bang, sparkles

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