[The Apartment] Secretarial work

Jan 31, 2006 15:51

After some convincing that everything would be ok, Murdoc gets Stu to come home with him to fill out the forms that they stop and pick up from Social Services. One set is to get Murdoc and Han county medical cards and the other is to apply for Medicaid assistance to help pay the hospital bill. It's a lot of reading small, oddly worded print and ( Read more... )

han, stu

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1stborn2ndbest February 2 2006, 07:38:31 UTC
There's the sound of door opening and Han comes in. He regards Muds and Stu on the couch, narrowing one eye, and wordlessly goes to the kitchen. He's not as bothered by them as he was, but he's still not going to throw any parties in honor of the situation.


murdoc_is_god February 2 2006, 07:52:44 UTC
Muds moves his arm from behind Stu and heads to the kitchen with his empty soda to trade it for a new one.
"Hey, I got the forms and shit that they said we need to fill out...and I brought a secretary to fill 'em out for us."
He tosses his empty drink into the trash as he enters the kitchen after Han.


1stborn2ndbest February 2 2006, 08:01:31 UTC
He quirks a brow, opening a soda of his own. "So that's what you kids are calling them these days, huh? Secretaries?" He half-grins, leaning against the counter. "What're the papers like? All complicated an' shit?"


murdoc_is_god February 2 2006, 08:11:39 UTC
"Shut up! He has better hand writing than me. Figured it would help."
He sticks his tongue out and grabs a drink.

"Anyway, the papers don't seem too bad...just a lot of fuckin questions I don't have answers for."
Muds shrugs and takes a drink.
"You'll know more of 'em than me, at least. But, like, one of the questions was about what kinda diseases run in yer family, right? Heh. How the fuck should I know?"


1stborn2ndbest February 2 2006, 08:31:25 UTC
He nods, the grin getting a bit bigger. "Yeah, I figured. Was just fuckin with you, kid."

The grin drops, though, at the thought of the questions. "Fuck, I dunno any of that either. I think Dad's got heart problems or somethin, but other than that..." He shrugs helplessly.


murdoc_is_god February 2 2006, 08:42:58 UTC
Murdoc frowns bitterly. "Yeah, I didn't know if he has heart problems or what..." He pushes his fingers through his hair and shakes off the concern. "I don't really fuckin care, either." It's a lie, but he wishes it wasn't.

"C'mon, ya need to answer shit."
He heads back towards the couch and actually getting this done and over with.


1stborn2ndbest February 2 2006, 08:50:10 UTC
He sighs and nods, following Muds back to the living room. He flops into a chair, not willing to sit on the couch with the other two.

"So...what questions to I gotta answer?"


stu_isnt_god February 2 2006, 08:58:43 UTC
He blinks from Muds to Han and shuffles the papers. "Uhm. I'll need. Uhm. Your full name? And date of birth and social security number, first off." He nods, chewing on the pen.

"Uhm. And uhm. I'll need to know your income and the household expenses."


murdoc_is_god February 2 2006, 09:07:18 UTC
When he sits on the couch, it's not too close to Stu. Muds tries to be considerate of Han. This, however, leaves him with no idea of what to do with the his arms. He usually claims the whole back of the couch.
To busy himself, Muds goes back to smoking.

He looks apologetically over towards Han when Stu asks for full name, though.


1stborn2ndbest February 2 2006, 09:17:08 UTC
He scowls and his jaw tightens at the question of his name. "Lennox Stephen Niccals...with...a P-H in Stephen." He gives Stu a look that says 'If you say anything I'll kill you', then gives the rest of his personal information.

"I...uhm...make about $600 a week with tips. I'm not sure of the exact expenses, but I got receipts an' shit. That should work, right? You can just copy them."


stu_isnt_god February 2 2006, 09:21:05 UTC
His eyes widen at the look, but he nods slightly and fills in the information. "Uhm...Lennox...with two N's?" Han nods and the look intensifies. "Right. Two N's."

He flashes Muds a nervous glance and goes back to chewing his pen. The poor thing is getting mangled at this point. "Uhm. Yeah, receipts would be good. They need to see them anyway. And the hospital bills?"


murdoc_is_god February 2 2006, 09:33:20 UTC
Well, that was...about as bad as anticipated. Murdoc isn't really sure who to try and comfort or how to best defuse the situation. It'll settle on its own. That has to be the worst part.

"I'll get the bill. Anything else I should get off the table, Han?"
Muds looks at Han and wishes he could let him know that he can trust Stu, but it's a hard thing to earn and he knows it's not gonna happen that easy. He can at least be helpful and make shit less annoying for his brother.


1stborn2ndbest February 2 2006, 09:45:17 UTC
"Uh...get the shoebox off the counter? It's got the receipts for the rent and bills an' everything." He glances at Stu to see if that's what he needs and the boy nods. This has to be one of the most uncomfortable situations ever. ...But at least he doesn't have to fill the damn things out himself.


murdoc_is_god February 2 2006, 09:54:03 UTC
"Right. On it."
Murdoc goes around Stu's end of the couch to stub out his cig as he heads to the kitchen and digs out the hospital bill. Then he fetches the shoebox off of the counter and puts the bill on top.

"Here, I'll trade you."
Back in the living room he sets the shoebox down on the end table next to Stu and takes the ashtray to keep closer to himself when he sits back down.


stu_isnt_god February 2 2006, 10:00:19 UTC
"Oh. Thanks." He nods slightly and gets up to dig through his pack for his calculator. It's just simple addition, but he doesn't want to mess this up. He then flops back down on the couch and begins adding up the receipts. He doesn't look at either of the brothers, just keeps his eyes on the papers and the little calculator screen. He's just as uncomfortable with this as Han is...and he does have to fill out the damn things.


murdoc_is_god February 2 2006, 10:12:39 UTC
Murdoc leans over a bit to watch what Stu's doing. He can't just sit there. No touching..not too close... just watching over Stu's shoulder.

Half of it is just wanting to know what they do pay on everything. It's been made Han's job and Muds doesn't ask, but it doesn't mean he doesn't worry.
"So d'you just have to add it all up and enter it as one thing? Cos entering all the bills and shit individually sounds like a pain in the ass.


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