Wonderful weekend. The Festival was.. awesome for some reason. Like a paid vacation. It was relaxing and somewhat weird, but still very very enjoyable. It could have been a lot better though.. if Donald, Ross, Lyra and everyone else had been there like last year. My nose is so burnt and I most definitely have an intense farmers tan on my arms. But mainly, my nose. It hurts so badly anytime anything touches it. First time my nose has burnt to a crisp and my cheeks look untouched. Thanks sunglasses.
Nick and I went to Living Treasures in Slippery Rock or.. New Castle.. or somewhere. We went last year and it was awesome but super shady and sad so we swore we'd never go back. We said the same thing when we went back this year. We'll probably say the same thing when we go back next year.
Oh, and I totally purchased my own car on Friday. It's nice to say I did it all alone without help from my parents.
The Festival..
Living Treasures..
And just a few very low quality The Morning Light pictures because the high quality ones are huuuge..