(no subject)

Jun 19, 2005 12:41

This weekend has actually met my expectations of good times. Rode up wit will to the Champion/Nervous Breakdown show in orlando. The show was a show, nothing special. Champion is great every time. I got to get ill with most of my closest friends. Drank at some bar wit Ben. Saw pretty much everyone i always do. Then after words we went to Dangers house to grill some fucking Grub. Liz and Will cooked some bitchin ass steaks wit grilled peepers and onions wit some like asparagus soaked in balsamic vinger then chilled which was fucking awesome. Danger grilled a grouper wit some salsa on it haha. Then we just hung the fuck out watchin The Passion of Christ on mute blasting Integrity. Got on the road around 2 or something left pretty early, only to get stuck in the worst traffic jams of my life me and lemus were seriously about to freak the fuck out. Seriously most agonizing I4 trip of my life. I then proceeded to shower when i got home un-pack my bag cause i ended up not needing it. By the time i showered cleaned up watched a little boob tube it was time to run errands like pay bills, grub again, get yelled at and get a new cellphone. Then i was on the road. Hell of a fucking tailgate hangout in clearwater, so many fucking friends. Beers/Teas were had. KLU got jocked and i loved every min. of it. Seriously some of my most fav kids in the world. Saw so many fucking friends new and old from So Fla. Fuck i keep getting asked to tour but man fuck. I wanna so bad. I dunno Champion was awesome again, always so energetic and greatful. Sometimes i dont care for the speeches, but hey its a right to put a voice in your beliefs. I got a little sad when the venue was as packed as that and serioulsy out of what maybe 200 kids only 20-30 fucks were singing along to Minor Threats "In My Eyes". It killed me. I saw so many fucking tools at this show, seriously, jockers, jokers, some serious fucking cats that had no right being there. It was fucking awesome and rad and odd seeing spillz there. Sam i dont know what went on but fuck man that sucks. Donald not fucking throwing beef down in anyway cause you know im chill, but man you are seriously are starting to fucking get to way out of control. Its bring me fucking down, that seriously every time i have seen you are starting shit, literally bro or so incoherent and creating a scene. Its seriously turning into a fucking bummer. All you do is get rowdy and try to start fights man. Yea yea don everyone knows your hard and have grown up, but man. Lifes not that fucking hard all the time that you got to have that mentality in every fucking party or social situation. Just me saying whats up son. Not beefing you know me. Let shit chill kid!.........Anyways the show ended and we hung the fuck out had cookie fights, cold suds, story times of the past, then out to grub. Went to some place called the Broken Egg, seriously all grubbed the fuck out. There is nothing greater then sitting at a fucking table about 30 kids around, just laughing, being mature, telling stories seriously realizing that these might be the best days of our lives and knowing it. Just stories of sitcoms growing up, Nasty food stories, Summer time legends. By the time we bailed it was to late to buy beer for where we were so me and my friend Jordan had to drive over some long ass bridge that took us an hour to go buy alcohol. Got back to meet all the cats at a hot tub on the beach. Which looked ill as fuck with the harvest moon out. We just chilled maxin' & relaxin'. Had to dilute the issues wit massive quanities of sparks and malt liqour. Its always funny to see friends always seem to go through the "exact" same things at the same times. Well shit got funny and hung the fuck out. Got on the road around 5am and now im home thinking ill go to Talli tonight. Naw nvm ill just lay low and do laundry, i got a long week ahead of me.

I know its fucked up but i had to try and save this pic, god i love my friends(i look like i have the biggest gut in the world)

Jordan i fucking love you son!

I can't take this anymore. Cause when it rains, it fucking pours. One thing just builds up on the last. It's a matter of time before I fucking snap. The only thing that keeps me going is the thought that tomorrow is a new day. But the months have passed and not a fucking thing has changed. I keep it back, hold it all inside. Cause bitching about things won't change my life. The stress and pressure never leave my mind. Since no one cares the only thing that keeps me going is the thought that tomorrow is a new day. But the months have passed and not a fucking thing has changed. It's so hard to think that tomorrow will be different than today. I've been saying that for so long and nothing's ever fucking changed for me. No! I can run all I want but I can never escape. It builds until I fucking break. Finding a way to take my mind off this is just as hard as finding someone to listen. Fuck you! Fuck all this! I can't take this anymore.
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