001 ✿ Aon

May 08, 2011 17:26

 A.  (At 311 Miller Street)

When Connla woke up, it was not with a giant hole in his chest, as he had expected.  In fact, much to his surprise, there wasn't a mark on him-- not even the little scars from cuts and scrapes he'd gotten during his training with his mother and his aunt.  It was as though he had never been through any of it; as though it ( Read more... )

they see me rollin', i am an ancient scot and what is this, hai guiz wats up, *connla, sup bitches

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B, natch riastrad_ridire May 8 2011, 21:36:08 UTC
[It was almost a shame; the few days up to and including the prom had left Lancer happy in even a place as miserable as Mayfield.]

[But this was the point where the universe noted 'hey, that dumbfuck with the blue hair is in a good mood' and realized 'well, we certainly can't have that'. This, in fact, was the point where everything would take a sharp turn for the least expected things that could ever happen in that town.]

[Did he realize this, walking down the street and minding his own business? Of course not. He was kind of an idiot that way.]


murderpuppy May 8 2011, 21:49:30 UTC
[He was coming down the street towards Lancer; he was barely fifteen feet away by the time he noticed that blue hair and confident step and realized who it was. How could he have forgotten the face of his father, after all?]

[He stopped dead in his tracks and froze.]

[This was the man who had just stabbed him in the chest. The man who his mother had said abandoned them; who didn't want them.]


1/2 riastrad_ridire May 8 2011, 22:02:07 UTC
[Lancer froze as well when he saw who was ahead of him. Of course he recognized Connla, he wouldn't dare make the same mistake a second time. But that was impossible. Beyond impossible, it couldn't happen.]

[...but why not? Lancer himself was a heroic spirit from a near-forgotten time. Saber, Gilgamesh, Diarmuid, Alexander...how many here were from an age spoken of only in legends now? The only thing that made this impossible to Lancer was that he hadn't expected it.]


riastrad_ridire May 8 2011, 22:09:36 UTC
[He had made a mistake in fighting Connla, Lancer knew that know. He had been stupid, ignored Emer's attempts at warning him, and gotten too caught up in the fight itself to think for half a second about what he might be doing.]

[There was a reason Lancer did try now to control his emotions and think rationally both in and out of a fight; he knew what kind of things happened when he didn't.]

[The former Servant glanced away for a moment, trying to straighten out what he should do now. An awkward, crooked smile twitched across his face, though he knew this wouldn't be easy.]

...good to see you again, Connla.


murderpuppy May 9 2011, 00:48:12 UTC
[The only thing Connla thought he could do was stand his ground. If his father was going to fight him again, then would face him and the Gae Bolg.]

Cú Chulainn.


riastrad_ridire May 9 2011, 00:50:35 UTC
None other.

[He didn't move to attack--he couldn't have even if he needed to, thanks to Mayfield. Unarmed and very much off guard, Lancer just put his hands in his pockets and awkwardly tried to think of what to say.]

Did you...just get here?


murderpuppy May 9 2011, 01:03:09 UTC
[So much for hoping that he would have a peaceful afterlife.]

...Yes. I woke up here this morning.

[He turned slightly from his father, looking at the houses along the street.] This isn't what I heard Tír na Nóg would look like.


riastrad_ridire May 9 2011, 01:07:05 UTC
[...wait. Connla had arrived this morning, but Lancer hadn't seen him. The house he was in was the same as ever.]

[Which meant...Connla was in a different one. Fuck Mayfield.]

It's not any kind of afterlife, Connla. The truth's a hell of a lot more complicated.


murderpuppy May 9 2011, 02:52:55 UTC
[Your E-ranked luck would never allow you to actually have your kid in your house, Lancer.]

Nobody lives after being struck by the Gae Bolg. I know that just as well as you do.


riastrad_ridire May 9 2011, 02:54:52 UTC

Yeah, that's true. [Unless your name was Saber or Shirou Emiya. Or Archer, but FUCK HIM he didn't even get hit.]

Listen, it's...complicated. Not everyone here died before they showed up. I don't know how it works yet, but that much is fact--some of us should be dead, but we're not.


murderpuppy May 9 2011, 03:16:54 UTC
[Anyone who doesn't have plot armor gets killed-- Connla practically had a target painted on him as far as that goes.]

[He still wasn't looking at Lancer.] I was surprised when I woke up. I don't think you can get much more dead than me, but here I am.

[He shook his head.] I don't like it, but I guess I don't have a choice.


riastrad_ridire May 9 2011, 03:18:07 UTC
[Okay, deep breath. First things first.]

One thing at a time, I guess...Who else was in the house you woke up in, did you see anyone?


murderpuppy May 9 2011, 03:21:53 UTC
A girl, but there wasn't anyone else.

[He's not going to tell him where he lives, though-- not that he expected his father to care or want to know.]


riastrad_ridire May 9 2011, 03:26:48 UTC
What'd she look like? Or did you get her name?


murderpuppy May 9 2011, 03:32:02 UTC
Just a girl. Pretty, with dark hair.

[Could be one of a hundred girls in this town.]


riastrad_ridire May 9 2011, 03:32:49 UTC
[GODDAMMIT, that did not help.]

Great... Where was it?


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