I've found out a lot in the past little while, back home. A lot've it didn't settle well. Forgive me for bein' skeptical about bein' in an alternate realm, babe. I don't know who I was th'last time I was here, if that's true... don't know if I should be acceptin' these memories as fact or not. S'drivin' me up the goddamn wall, alright?
So, I should just deal with you not accepting it's me? I might coddle Johnny a bit with his delusions, but I sure as hell won't with you, Logan, because I know, if the tables were turned, you wouldn't coddle me.
I know, it's not easy to swallow this idea that we're in some alternate dimension. But I'm as real as you are, and I believe in you, Logan. Does that make me a fool? If you believe in yourself, why is it impossible to believe in me?
'Cause I know I'm real. Everyone else is a different story. Look... we can meet up, if y'want. Jus' don't try t'fuckin' kill me. I still get the notion some people here're vyin' for it, n'it never seems t'end well for the other person. Deal?
When are you going to stop being a chicken and come see me?
First, I start rememberin' you. Then I find out it ain't real. Then it... then he...
I don't know. I'm gettin' the notion that it's probably better if I stay the hell away from everyone here.
When you were here before, you knew I was real. You didn't have a problem talking to me, hugging me, kissing me then, dammit.
I've found out a lot in the past little while, back home. A lot've it didn't settle well. Forgive me for bein' skeptical about bein' in an alternate realm, babe. I don't know who I was th'last time I was here, if that's true... don't know if I should be acceptin' these memories as fact or not. S'drivin' me up the goddamn wall, alright?
I know, it's not easy to swallow this idea that we're in some alternate dimension. But I'm as real as you are, and I believe in you, Logan. Does that make me a fool? If you believe in yourself, why is it impossible to believe in me?
'Cause I know I'm real. Everyone else is a different story. Look... we can meet up, if y'want. Jus' don't try t'fuckin' kill me. I still get the notion some people here're vyin' for it, n'it never seems t'end well for the other person. Deal?
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